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Michel Gourdon - On the dark side of illustration

Michel Gourdon was born on November 20, 1925 in Bordeaux, South East of France. As student he attends the Art schools of Bordeaux from 1941 to 1945. One year later, in 46, he begins to work in Paris for cartoon industry.
In 1950, Armand De Caro creates the "Fleuve Noir", engages Michel Gourdon and entrusts almost all the collections to him to be illustrated, its preferred is Angoisse ( only the Anticipation series is by Brantonne, another draughtsman marking of this period ).
Michel Gourdon draws 3500 illustrations for the "Fleuve Noir" until 1978. His style of drawing and his technique with the gouache, will be driven out covers of this editor by photography. After Fleuve Noir, Gourdon continued to work for a lot of mags (included french TV mag. Télé 7 jours). While I was working as copy writer in ad agency (long time ago !) I asked him for some illustrations (I think it was for Yoplais). We became quite friends and kept in touch to this day. Hi Michel and cheers to Jeanine. Hoops, they don't use the internet.

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