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Filo Loco
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Libellés : Art
It's good to see that Hoppe hasn't lost his groove after years of drying out and clearing his head. He's never been easy to classify, but unlike so many hyper-realists his work borders on the street and political pop, he has always honored and respected his subject matter no matter where he found it. Who knows what's next? Maybe he will treat us to another helping of the sexual-political-social sarcasm with which he flooded the pages of Screw and Hustler magazines in the 80's. Whatever the hipster recluse is up to, you know its great shit!
j'ai attrappe son expo a la gallery la bank. je pense toutefois que le show a ete ombrage par joe colman au palais du japon. les peintures de hoppe ont apportees quelquechose de different a la scene de l' art parisien.je comprends le buzz entre le downtown de manhattan et williamsburg in brooklyn. c'est comme un groupe trop cru pour un contrat de maison de disque. le temps fera la difference.....
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