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Gwar - plastic killers

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Libellés : music
Kassagi !
Tunisian born, Henri Kassagi, was one of the most famous illusionists of the XXth century. He amazed children and adults by his magic tricks presented with righteousness and elegance on all the scenes of the world. He refused to lead astray the noble art of the conjuring by being engaged in the deceit which consists in being supposed to a sorcerer, endowed with supernatural powers, as did so many others notably Uri Geller, the Philippine quacks... Kassagi is not any more among us, but the memory of his kindness, his intelligence and his talent live. Kassagi forever !
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Libellés : books
Kiraz - the french lover

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Libellés : illustration
An history of barbecue
Most people view Kansas City as the beginnings for barbecue in the United States. In my opinion a closer look at the North American Indian is necessary. They used natural herbs, seasonings, spices, and a variety of wild berries to add flavor to a variety of ways of drying, curing, grilling, roasting, and smoking various wild game and fish. Barbecue, as defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary, means "to roast or broil on a rack over hot coals or on a revolving spit before or over a source of heat". I think it is pretty safe to say that BBQ has been around since the stone age when man invented fire. He started to cook over an open fire. Long time before the Indians. And also before Indians, the Gaulois had their own BBQ. But why talking about BBQ in that blog ? I must be tired.
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Libellés : americana
Colors - motorcycle magazine

But, the money soon ran out before the mag caught on, and by the end of 1971 it had folded, after only five or more issues. It also suffered from poor distribution, as some newsstands, hypocritically, wouldn’t carry it, and the first issue was banned in a few states. Colors was a hands-on production, by those concerned, for the love of their motorcycles and non-conformist lifestyles. It went against the odds, and flew in the face of a hostile reception by some newsstands and motorcycle shops. It's a very hard-to-find mag now. I don't know any of todays mags that deal with the biker scene like Colors did. The contributors were real bikers and that makes all the difference. I know only one exception, a french mag, Culbuteur, in the early '70's.
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Libellés : biker lifestyle, mag
Deyrolle - I love my taxidermist

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Talking boards

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The Shaggs - Harmony sisters
The Shaggs were three sisters, Helen, Better, and Dorothy (Dot) Wiggin, from Fremont, New Hampshire. Despite the fact that they had shown no musical inclination, their father, Austin Wiggin had the idea that his girls could be the next 'big thing', like the Beatles. He named the band for the long, shaggy hairstyles then in fashion. On his textile factory worker's salary, he bought the girls their instruments and paid for their lessons and booked studio time. Nine hundred of the original thousand copies of "Philosophy of the World" vanished right after being pressed, along with the record's shady producer. Even so, the album has endured for thirty years. Music collectors got hold of the remaining copies of "Philosophy of the World" and started a small Shaggs cult. Depending on whom you ask, the Shaggs were either the best band of all time or the worst. Frank Zappa is said to have proclaimed that the Shaggs were "better than the Beatles. The music is winsome but raggedly discordant pop. Something is sort of wrong with the tempo, and the melodies are squashed and bent, nasal, deadpan.
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New York Adorned - Stephanie Tamez

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Libellés : tattoo
Ray guns from space

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Mandrake - true classic magic
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Libellés : comics
The Warriors - New York mythology

This movie, directed by Walter Hill in 1979, tells the story of nine Coney Island gang members, and the girl they pick up along their way, who must bop their way back to their home turf after they are falsely accused of killing a powerful leader at a city wide meeting of the gangs in the Bronx... This amazing movie went on to be the greatest cultural impact. 25 years later its surreal vision of New York has had an influence not only in film, but also in realms including music, fashion and art. It’s a thrilling, brutal, vibrant and sometimes hilarious movie. It’s also weird as shit. Still, The Warriors is one of the few cult classics whose quality actually surpasses its kitsch appeal. Among the gangs fighting each others, I find my favourite are the Base Ball Furies. Remember, they wear base ball gear and carry base ball bats. Filthy guys, aren't they ?
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