Serious Publishing™ is a french publishing company established in 2010.
Filo Loco
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Libellés : comics, illustration
1 comment:
Wow! Now aint that sumptin! I had me a whole wheelbarrow o thm cards when I was a kid an not only that but them cicil war cards an some others that showed Japs cuttin off some dudes ballz!(An Natzis Rapin some wimmen in doungenz an whatnot!!!) Well, us kids couldent get enough an I sure do wish I had some to pass on to future generations! I say that dudez art roks the house an there aint been nobody better since him! Well, we got some fellers at the studio I work at that are pretty darn good sos maybe I better shut up. Im a gonna ax um ta make me some cards next time I see um on break an see what they can do! I aint expectin much though...these fellerz work too hard to be any good...
Your Obt Svt,
Col. Korn,
Chief O security an waste desposal,
OXOjamm Studios.
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