Serious Publishing™ is a french publishing company established in 2010.
Filo Loco
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Libellés : bookshop, paris, un regard moderne
Wow, that place looks fab!!! Where in Paris can this be found? What's the address? I definitely want to put this on my list of places to visit next time I am around again.
man every reader of this blog should know that awesome place ;) I added the address to the post. and yes, don't miss it when in paris !
Excellent. I have added this to my own travel notes that I keep updated for whenever I may be going places. Next I just gotta find me a Catacombiste and I'll seriously look for a ticket. ;-)
Arf, tu vas me faire regretter de ne plus mettre les pieds à Paris... Enfin, ravi de voir que la déco de la librairie ne change pas depuis toutes ces années !
I'll be in Paris this weekend so I'll definately check it out!
et oui cliff on dirait que ça bouge pas mais il y a toujours de nouveaux trucs à dégotter ! il est fort ce jacques !
vas-y les yeux fermés marie ! ouvre les quand meme à l'intérieur !
That's a lot of book!
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