We are serious

Serious Publishing™ is a french publishing company established in 2010.

Filo Loco

All content on this site is copyrighted and/or trademarked, and all rights are reserved by the respective authors. Visuals and references are presented here as quotes under Fair Use for the purpose of scholarship, information or review.


Beverly Garland - 1926-2008

The Neanderthal Man, 1953, Swamp Women, 1955, Not of This Earth, 1957, The Alligator People, 1959...


Anna Sutton said...

Aah yes, hello there. I have a wonderful record called Wavy Gravy with the frightened blonde woman at the window on the cover. Which film is that from? Bye for now.

filo said...

hi anna ! it's from "not of this earth" directed by roger corman in 1957