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Serious Publishing™ is a french publishing company established in 2010.

Filo Loco

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That one is for us - Arte y Pico award

I'm very honored to announce to the world that I discovered 3 hours ago that our blog has just received an Arte Y Pico Award. I received an announcement from P-E Fronning of the excellent Martin Klash blog. "I've passed along an "Arte y Pico" Award to you for your rockin' blog achievements with Deadlicious." That's what the guy said! Hey, many thanks, P-E!

You have to know that doing this blog is a great fun for me! It's cool to know that the stuff I love has been so well received. I'm not alone!

Now, here are the rules for the Arte Y Pico Award:

1) You must choose up to 5 blogs that you consider to be deserving of this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and for their contribution to the blogging community.

2) Each award granted must include the name of the awarded blog's author and provide a link to his/her blog so it may be visited by all.

3) Each award winner must exhibit the award, and provide the name of the person who presented her/him with the award, along with a link to that person's blog.

4) Both the award winner and the one who has given the award must show a link to the “Arte y Pico” blog so that everyone will know it's origin.

5) You must also show these rules.

A note from the Arte y Pico blog, perhaps poorly translated from Spanish, regarding the meaning of 'Arte y Pico':"...basically, ironically, it translates into a wonderful phrase in Mexico, 'the maximum.' "It will never find its exact counterpart in English, but if it HAD to, it would be something like "Wow. The Best Art. Over the top."

It's very difficult to pick up 5 blogs out of so many wonderful stuff I'm discovering everyday...

But I did!

Au Carrefour Etrange

Florian makes here a great work of passion! He makes me discover or re-discover ton of things!

Chopper Dave's

Just because he rules!

Hang Fire Books

Ok they sell books... But they also love them and the right neat stuff is here and nowhere else!

The Glass Guillotine

I don't know who's behind the image's choice, but I love this place!

Fuck you Heroes '78

Itsumi is a beautiful person with a taste that I share. Enough said!

1 comment:

Martin Klasch said...

Ah! I just saw this post. Nice. It gonna be fun checking your picks out! Rock on!