We are serious

Serious Publishing™ is a french publishing company established in 2010.

Filo Loco

All content on this site is copyrighted and/or trademarked, and all rights are reserved by the respective authors. Visuals and references are presented here as quotes under Fair Use for the purpose of scholarship, information or review.


La morgue reçoit en semaine...

Editions de la Flamme d'Or. 1952. Wonderful cover by Jef de Wulf featuring a midget murderer !

Bilan de la magie

Maurice Bessy. Editions Alain Michel. 1974.


Support rings

Boris Karloff contest - Blogathon day 7

To celebrate the end of this great blogathon, we offer a box of chocolates to the very first one who tell us the title of these 2 movies !

Frankenstein makeup - Blogathon day 7

Early test makeup of the monster. The raised bulges on the forehead were later removed.


Mondes Secrets

Famous names like Françoise d'Eaubonne, Robert Wolney, Claude François Cheinisse take part in this first (and last ?) issue of Mondes Secrets. CEPE. 1963.

Frankentoyz - Blogathon day 6

Few Karloff's inspired toys...

Frankenstein - The film classics library - Blogathon day 6

Cult scenes from the James Whale's Frankenstein. Macmillan London Ltd. 1974.


Stampenstein - Blogathon day 5 (already ?!)

Talking with Sardon yesterday evening made me remember one of his great stamps: the Stampenstein !

Le nain noir - Leslie Brooks

Editions du Moulin Vert. 1946. Cover by Dany.

Salon du livre et de la presse jeunesse - Montreuil '09

We were present with our pies at the grand opening of the Montreuil youth book festival, thanks to Fremok's team, Eve, Carmela, Thierry...Thanks also to the great Sardon for visiting us...To those who missed, see you next year ! Few more pix at deadlicious nation...


So long Mr. Wong - Blogathon day 4

Boris goes Wong ! And Angelo Rossitto with Chinese make-up !


Serious Publishing

More infos to come soon about our new project ! Books, books, books ! logo designed by Jimmy Pantera !

Destiny - Blogathon day 3

"Boris has nothing to worry about untill 1970 !"...Sometimes words sound strange !


Madame Lucifer vous fait un bras d'honneur - Ange Bastiani

Jean Dullis editeur. Collection "Sang d'encre". 1974.


Karloff - Peter Underwood - Blogathon day 2

First biography of Boris Karloff. Lot of details about his youth years, when William Henry Pratt (WHP as he liked to call himself) came to Canada... Drake Publishers, inc. 1972.

Boris Karloff's interview - Blogathon day 1

Castle of Frankenstein. Issue 24. 1974. Highly interesting interview by Mike Parry and Harry Nadler.