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Serious Publishing™ is a french publishing company established in 2010.

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Zara - Vampire tales

Girl of a scientist of the XIX°siècle, Zara Pabst is a day person possessed by the pseudo-skin Of the count Dracula whom his father returned of Transylvania. From then on Zara is the handmaid of Dracula. Accompanied with one the other vampire of the name of Frau Murder, Zara travels the world to quench its thirst of sex and blood. This comics, was first published in Italy, then in France, by Elvifrance, with 142 n° from 1975 till 1987.
Main scriptwriter: Renzo Barbieri.
Main illustrator: Birago Balzano produced approximately 270 numbers (in Italy), the rest being realized by Giuseppe Montanari and Giovanni Romanini.

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