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The Curse of the Aztec Mummy - Gordon Murray

K. Gordon Murray was a Florida-based producer and distributor of low-budget motion pictures. From the late 1950's through the mid 1970's, Murray released approximately 66 films. Born the son of a funeral director, Murray had a fascination with death and the circus since his earliest days. Interestingly, his films all have a sense of the carnivalesque and the morbid. Even the fairy tales tend to be creepy, and his famous, lurid marketing campaigns came as close to circus ballyhoo as anything ever seen. The Curse of the Aztec Movie, (La Maldicion de la Momia Azteca) is a sequel to La Momia Azteca (1957), and spawned two more sequels, La Momia Azteca contra el Robot Humano (1958), and Las Luchadoras contra la Momia (1964). Some sources claim the first 3 films were shot simultaneously! Here's the synopsis of The Curse of the Aztec Mummy : The evil Dr. Krupp, once again trying to get possession of the Aztec princess Xochitl's jewels, hypnotizes her current reincarnation, Flor, to get her to reveal the jewels' location - Xochitl's tomb. Confusion reigns as Krupp and his thugs are opposed by Flor's lover, Dr. Almada, his assistant, and wrestling superhero, El Angel. Krupp finally meets his match, however, when he comes up against Popoca, the warrior mummy who guards Xochitl's tomb.

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