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Filo Loco

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Fakir Birman

Fakir Birman (born Charles Fossez), is the french inventor of astrological chronicles in early '30's. First by air and then in newspapers (L'Intransigeant). Very quickly he became famous, first in Paris and then in whole France and made a lot of money. He gave up his turban in 1944, harrassed by fiscal administration. Doing his "job" for 7 years he had 502000 "customers", 1 french/40! With humor he once said about his vocation: "Du temps où j’étais fakir, tous les matins en me levant j’ouvrais mes fenêtres, je respirais à pleins poumons, et pendant toute la journée je revendais à petit dose ce que j’avais respiré : du vent." After the WW2, he created the brand "Barbara" selling women underwears. In 1952 he hang himself in Paris.

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