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Serious Publishing™ is a french publishing company established in 2010.

Filo Loco

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Le crime ne paie pas - Crime does not pay

Yes, crime does not pay... sometimes ! The "Trois monstres" ("Three monsters") cover is due to Jean-Albert Carlotti (1909-2002). Jean-Albert Carlotti is best known as a painter, but he has also been active as an illustrator for the press. Born in Lyon, he started out illustrating novels for magazines like Marius and Le Hérisson in 1932. In 1950, he began a collaboration with the newspaper France-Soir, and became one of the main illustrators for the vertical strips 'Amours Célèbres' and 'Le Crime ne Paie pas', which were written by Paul Gordeaux and Robert Mallat.

1 comment:

Trix said...

I love these!

I'm having a horrible time trying to decide which one to post on my tumblr page.

Thank you so much for sharing...
