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Maurice Raphaël

Born Victor Marie Lepage in 1918, (died in 1977), he published 11 books between 1948 and 1954 using Maurice Raphaël alias. The best known is "Ainsi soit-il" (éditions du Scorpion 1948, Éric Losfeld, 1969). Breton and Raymond Guérin admired him but the books didn't sell very well. Maurice Raphaël changed his name and began a carreer of roman noir and erotic novels writer in 1954. Untill his death he published about 100 novels as Zep Cassini, Ange Gabrielli, Ralph Bertis, Vic Vorlier, Luigi da Costa, Hugo Prince... And Ange Bastiani. During WWII, Lepage worked with the French Gestapo, in the Bony-Lafont gang. I'll post soon more about his work as Ange Bastiani.

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