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Le jardin des supplices - Octave Mirbeau

The Torture Garden is a novel written by the French journalist, novelist and playwright Octave Mirbeau and was first published in 1899, during the Dreyfus Affair. The novel is ironically dedicated: "To the priests, the soldiers, the judges, to those people who educate, instruct and govern men, I dedicate these pages of Murder and Blood." This edition is from 1935 by Les Editions Nationales and is illustrated by Edy Legrand. Pierre Chaine and André de Lorde made an adaptation for the Grand-Guignol in 1922. Also, many thx to Will, who sent this 1955 paperback cover from Berkley Books!


losfeld said...

Superbes illustrations, comme le livre d'ailleurs, un de mes préférés

Dr Orlof said...

Belle édition, beau livre : j'aime beaucoup Mirbeau également...

Unknown said...


I just found a 1955 US pulp edition of Torture Garden with an insane cover. Here it is. Please feel free to share it here.

ngopwani525 said...

I'm doing a research Investigation on Grand Guignol. CAn you help me with a few questions?

In Grand Guignol's The Torture Garden (The Ribbon of Flesh torture scene), how are the elements of violence portrayed in play? Is there fake blood splattered all of the stage? How do they kill people on stage without looking fake? Are there any techniques you know about?

Thanks so much for your time, hope to you hear from you soon
Neelam Gopwani (ngopwani525@msn.com)