We are serious

Serious Publishing™ is a french publishing company established in 2010.

Filo Loco

All content on this site is copyrighted and/or trademarked, and all rights are reserved by the respective authors. Visuals and references are presented here as quotes under Fair Use for the purpose of scholarship, information or review.


Dardos Award ? Yes, please !

Here's what is all about : The Dardos Award is given for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing. These stamps were created with the intention of promoting fraternization between bloggers, a way of showing affection and gratitude for work that adds value to the Web.

The Rules are:
1) Accept the award by posting it on your blog along with the name of the person that has granted the award and a link to his/her blog.
2) Pass the award to another five blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgement, remembering to contact each of them to let them know they have been selected for this award.
Thanks to Tenebrous Kate for having noticed us with our stuff and awarding us ! I'm please to pass the award along to 5 weirdos (but there are so many which I follow and love !)...

zines : a film maniac sharing a lot of uncanny stuff
medusa fanzine : FFFF - fanzine forever - forever fanzine !
au carrefour étrange : because of Florian !
popcorn and sitcky floors : bunch of cool guys with neat stuff
church of choppers : they threatened us to have it ;)

Anyway, thanks to all the blogs we follow and support (they know it) for sharing !


losfeld said...

Thanx again Loco !


Thank you so much Loco !

Clifford Brown said...

Merciiiii !! Mais j'le mérite pô j'suis trop paresseux !