We are serious

Serious Publishing™ is a french publishing company established in 2010.

Filo Loco

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Cultures magazine

Here is the 1st and only issue of Cultures magazine. This french mag published and sold during fall 2005 was dedicated to popular culture: comics, fashion, cars, tattoo, toys, sport.... Although writen by the most talented french journalists (Eudeline bros., Florent Mazzoleni, Jean-William Thoury...) and specialists (Jean-Pierre Dionnet, Christophe Bier, Chris Coppola...) the mag didn't find success... Another mystery of the press adventure!


losfeld said...

Ca troue l'culte! J'avais jamais entendu parler de ce mag, vraiment dommage que ça ait planté...

filo said...

à l'occas, donnes moi l'adresse de ta librairie (je la connais peut etre remarque!) et je t'en offrirai un ex!

losfeld said...

Hey merci ! mais ma librairie s'appelle Virgin, ouais le métier de libraire n'est plus ce qu'il était...