We are serious

Serious Publishing™ is a french publishing company established in 2010.

Filo Loco

All content on this site is copyrighted and/or trademarked, and all rights are reserved by the respective authors. Visuals and references are presented here as quotes under Fair Use for the purpose of scholarship, information or review.


Tipomexx in Brussels

Nice people, cool music, great lucha libre art and Deadlicious pies (Dave, next time you should arrive sooner ;-))... why ask for more ?! It was the great opening of the Typomexx exhibition at Recyclart in Brussels. Jimmy Pantera presents his fantastic collection untill the 16th of January, and on the 14th, he will hold a conference about mexican lucha libre typography and images. More photos at Deadlicious Nation !


Fashion Serial Killer said...

if you ever need help spreading the word about your products let me know.. i'll help as much as i can. ;o)

filo said...

hi c ! yes we need your help ! actually we need help in usa to make our baby grow ! we're looking for partnership to sell our stuff in the us...help us to build the galactic pies empire ;-)

artemus dada said...

Merci pour les fotos et les liens.

Chouettes T-shirts.

Dis-moi Filo, c'est peut-être pas trop possible, voire lourd à mettre en place mais une vidéo de la conférence est-ce dans le domaine du possible, accessible sur youtube par exemple ?

Sinon merci encore.

filo said...

on va essayer de de le faire...c'est une bonne idée !

ROBO32.EXE said...

tiens, j'ai vu des stickers deadlicious sur les murs du centre ville ce week-end. m'est d'avis que ça a bien fonctionné comme soirée. c'est quand que tu t'attaques aux supérettes du coin pour ta distribution ?

filo said...

oui c'était bien cool ! ben je manque encore de contacts...si tu as des tuyaux.....